
6 keer gemerkt

EGOTRON 7 Yr old 16.1hh Blanket Appaloosa Gelding

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Needmore, PA 17238 USA
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De Appaloosa is ontstaan toen Spaanse veroveraars de paarden in de Verenigde Staten invoerde en de Nez Perce indianen het ras met hun paarden kruiste. Daaruit kwam een sterk, vierkant gebouwd paard, met goed gespierde schouders, een sterke rug en een schuin aflopend sterk gespierd kruis. Het ras is ... Meer over het paarden ras Appaloosa
7 Jaar
165 cm
English Pleasure

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geschikt als leerpaard/-pony

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♦️‍ THE DIAMOND SHOWCASE ♦️‍ Happening now thru MONDAY | FEBRUARY 24TH - Available EXCLUSIVELY on HorseBid's website!

For more details and to register visit: www.Horsebid.com

CONSIGNOR CONTACT: Carolina Sport Horses 908-645-2127
BREED: Appaloosa
COLOR: Blanket App
HEIGHT: 16.1
AGE: 7
GENDER: Gelding

Egotron is a 7 year old registered Appaloosa gelding standing 16.1 hands high. Ego is the perfect, safest, learn to trot type of horse. You can put your newborn, great grandma, and husband on him, and know they will be safe. Ego is smooth, slow, and steady. He has been a reliable partner for many kids, and adults, to learn on and build back confidence with. He is happy and quiet on the trails, and rides like a pleasure horse in the ring. The great thing about horses like Egotron that had a show career as a young horse, is that they have been everywhere and seen everything! He is a big pet, and loves attention! Give him a good curry or scratch, and he'll be your best friend forever.

In the arena, Egotron is perfect for timid or beginner riders. He has one speed, and that's slow. He is broke both English and western, and can be ridden by about any rider. The kids do lunge line lessons on him, have done their first posting trots on their own with him, and he's a good slow and pokey type for any rider who wants an easy ride. Ego picks up both leads, lopes, canters, jogs, and trots, and has an easy neck rein. He had 90 days of professional pleasure training before coming to us, but could just as easily go in any direction. We have primarily used him for the kids to get their confidence up learning to trot on their own, and he has been super for that job! He knows basic lateral work, stands to mount, and has been saintly with our kids bouncing all over him.
On the trails, Egotron is easy as can be. He rides alone or in a group, and maintains his slow and steady way about him. He crosses bridges, logs, and is safe on the roads and around ATVs. He's very used to dogs, cows, and other livestock. Having such a long show record also means he is accustomed to hopping up into the trailer and going new places all the time.
In the barn, Egotron is the sweetest horse around. I don't think there's a horse who thoroughly enjoys attention as much as Ego. He is gentle and polite on the crossties and in his stall, and is the first to the gate when he sees you coming. Egotron loves to be groomed and loved on, he's a real puppy dog that just wants to be around his people!
♦️Clean recent vetting on file.
♦️Our program produces versatile and family-friendly horses for all disciplines and levels of the sport. While at our farm, every horse is handled, ridden, and loved by us and our children. We make sure our horses are well versed in trail riding, going off property, attending clinics and lessons, and some go to horse shows, and fox hunt. This is a family operation priding ourselves in finding and producing quality family, amateur friendly horses for all ages and disciplines!
♦️Come and meet him at our farm in Clover, SC!
You can also call, or text, Kieran at 908-645-2127 or Caleb 704-813-3509 with any questions.
Needmore, PA 17238
Homepage: horsebidllc

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Needmore, PA 17238

