Andalusiër Hengst 10 Jaar 160 cm Palomino in Alicante/Alacant

4 keer gemerkt

Stunning and safe 15.3hh palomino

€ 12.000
€ 12.000
Kerry ORegan
V31 Listowel Ierland
+353 (0)8... tonen


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Het uit Spanje komende barok paardenras Andalusiër, welke eigenlijk Pura Raza Espanola, afgekort PRE, genoemd wordt, gelden wereldwijd als edel, robuust, moedig en mensenbetrokken. De naam Andalusiër wordt gebruikt voor de paarden die gekruist zijn met volbloeden of Arabieren. Zuivere paardenrassen ... Meer over het paarden ras Andalusiër
10 Jaar
160 cm


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Atemberaubender 15,3h 10 jähriger Palomino Hengst.

Sehr sicherer und echter Junge, schöner unkomplizierter Ritt.

Hat ein super Temperament, kein Hengst Verhalten, er ist es gewohnt, mit anderen Pferden in der Nähe von ihm zu reiten.

Ein Gentleman auf dem Boden, sehr einfach, alles mit zu tun.

War auf Wettbewerben und ist wieder ein Gentleman, er hat gute Kommentare von Richtern bekommen.

Alles vorhanden, um zu sehen und zu versuchen, wenn Sie zum Hof reisen können. Potenzielle Käufer müssen WhatsApp uns ein Video von ihrer Reitfähigkeit durch zu 00353879297498 und wir können die Eignung zu beurteilen.

Sitz in Spanien. Weltweiter Versand möglich, bitte kontaktieren Sie uns für ein Angebot.
Stunning 15.3hh 10 year old Palomino stallion.

Very safe and genuine boy, nice straightforward ride.

Has a super temperament, no stallion behaviour, he is used to riding with other horses near him.

A gentleman on the ground, very easy to do anything with.

Has been out to competitions and again is a gent, he has got good comments from judges.

Everything available to view and try if you can travel to the yard. Potential buyers need to WhatsApp us a video of their riding ability through to 00353879297498 and we can assess suitability.

Located in Spain. Worldwide shipping available please contact us for a quote.
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Impresionante semental palomino de 15.3hh y 10 años.

Muy seguro y genuino chico, agradable paseo sencillo.

Tiene un temperamento estupendo, sin comportamiento de semental, que está acostumbrado a montar con otros caballos cerca de él.

Un caballero en el suelo, muy fácil de hacer cualquier cosa con él.

Ha salido a concursos y de nuevo es un caballero, ha recibido buenos comentarios de los jueces.

Todo disponible para ver y probar si se puede viajar a la yarda. Los compradores potenciales tienen que WhatsApp nosotros un video de su capacidad de montar a través de 00353879297498 y podemos evaluar la idoneidad.

Situado en España. Envío en todo el mundo disponible por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros para una cotización.
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Stupendo stallone palomino di 10 anni di 15,3 hl.

Ragazzo molto sicuro e genuino, bella cavalcata lineare.

Ha un temperamento eccellente, nessun comportamento da stallone, è abituato a cavalcare con altri cavalli vicino a lui.

Un gentiluomo a terra, molto facile da gestire.

Ha partecipato a concorsi e anche in questo caso è un gentiluomo, ha ricevuto ottimi commenti dai giudici.

Tutto è disponibile per essere visto e provato se si può viaggiare fino all'ippodromo. I potenziali acquirenti devono inviarci un video della loro capacità di cavalcare fino a 00353879297498 e possiamo valutare l'idoneità.

Situato in Spagna. Spedizione in tutto il mondo disponibile, contattateci per un preventivo.
Kerry ORegan
V31 Listowel
9 Telefoonnummer weergeven
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meer informatie

The founder of ‘Nagero Sport Horses’, Kerry O’Regan and her family have been involved in horses ‘for ever!’.

Kerry has been riding since the age of six and is now over 21+++! BHS and HSI qualified, Kerry has coached, taught, competed in show jumping, dressage and eventing, run yards and worked in racing for many years. Kerry still rides but rarely has time to compete anymore, although that is on the agenda time permitting. Passionate about retraining of racehorses and has always promoted their use as an all-round riding horse. She is also a registered social worker.

Emma is also BHS qualified and show jumping is her passion. Emma spent 3yrs training in 3 of Ireland’s top showjumping yards. She is great at producing young horses ready for the start of their careers. Emma has backed all of our home bred horses, from the age of 12.

Lucy has also ridden since before she could walk and is a mainstay of the business; running the yard and also uploads and edits all the photographs and graphics for the website and a million other jobs as well!

We sell for trusted vendors that we are confident describe their horses honestly. We also source horses for clients from all around the world and if we don’t have it on our lists of for sale horses then we can normally find it. We take time to make sure that horses and riders are a good fit, both for the welfare of the horse and the safety of the rider. We organise all shipping and transport for over seas buyers. We offer a bespoke service for potential purchasers and collect you from the airport and drop you back again in cases where someone doesn’t want to hire a car. Whether you buy or not we normally end up having some Irish craic!!

We now also have a stud farm in France where we are breeding Pre fusion with our Registered Irish Draught mares and our Armas line wonderful PRE stallion. Very excited about the progeny we are producing that are quality models with great brains.

If you don’t see what you want on our Horses for Sale page, still do get in touch as we have many horses on our list that we haven’t had time to upload yet. We look forward to hearing from you.

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Kerry ORegan
V31 Listowel
9 Telefoonnummer weergeven
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