American Quarter Horse Ruin 7 Jaar 142 cm Roodvos in Arlington
American Quarter Horse Ruin 7 Jaar 142 cm Roodvos in Arlington
American Quarter Horse Ruin 7 Jaar 142 cm Roodvos in Arlington
American Quarter Horse Ruin 7 Jaar 142 cm Roodvos in Arlington
American Quarter Horse Ruin 7 Jaar 142 cm Roodvos in Arlington
American Quarter Horse Ruin 7 Jaar 142 cm Roodvos in Arlington
American Quarter Horse Ruin 7 Jaar 142 cm Roodvos in Arlington



2 keer gemerkt

Registered Horse for Sale – Well-Trained, Healthy, and Ready to R

$ 4.000
~ € 3.756 vraagprijs
Evelyn Charlotte
mevrouw Evelyn Charlotte
3555 3555 Dryden Rd,Fort Worth,TX 76109,USA
fort worth Texas 682 USA
+1 (0)814... tonen


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meer informatie

American Quarter Horse, ook Quarter Horse genoemd komt oorspronkelijk uit de USA en is het meest verspreide paardenras over de wereld. Over de hele wereld zijn er 4.6 miljoen geregistreerde Quarter Horses. Het ras is ontstaan in de 17de eeuw, toen rijke plantagebezitters uit Virginia en Carolina bes ... Meer over het paarden ras American Quarter Horse
7 Jaar
142 cm
English Pleasure
Equitation Portugesa
American Paint Horse Verband


  • Duits
  • Italiaans
  • Poolse
  • Nederlands
  • Spaans
  • Franse
  • Engels
8 year old (vet confirmed) grade paint gelding, 14.3 hands 

This fella has looks, talent, and personality to boot! Meets you at the gate, loves attention, and is an easy going ride with buttons! 

✅used on a drill team that traveled across the country
✅excellent handle- including a nice spin, and stop 
✅side passes 
✅walk,trots, and canters on a loose rein 
✅ trail rides- ridden extensively in rugged Texas hill country! 
✅pulls a wagon
✅carries flag 
✅pushed cows, and tracked the roping dummy 
✅trots and lopes the barrel pattern
✅easy to catch, groom, saddle, bathe 
✅easy to load in a trailer 
✅easy to trim and shoe 
✅ponies other horses 
✅helped work colts and other problem horses
✅extreme obstacles 
✅been to town, and seen the sights 
✅opens gates 
✅desensitized to flags, tarps, bags filled with cans 
✅come get me trick to mount 
✅sits on a hay bale 
✅gets along in a mixed herd 

Comes with lifetime support, discounted tune ups if ever needed, and a video of world class The G Method! The G Method includes a video instruction guide how to keep him tuned up and working his best, while preventing bad habits from forming. It’s also a colt starting method to be applied to any breed of horse!! 
: Located in Fort Worth Texas 

He has the Mujica brand on his left hip, some content was taken prior to freeze branding.
Evelyn Charlotte
mevrouw Evelyn Charlotte
3555 3555 Dryden Rd,Fort Worth,TX 76109,USA
fort worth Texas 682

meer informatie

I have been riding for over 10 years, focusing mainly on show jumping. I have competed in several regional and national tournaments, placing in the top three multiple times. I currently own three horses, each with their own strengths in competition. Riding is my passion because it challenges me to constantly improve while building a strong bond with my horses.”

Feel free to customize it based on your own experience!

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Evelyn Charlotte
mevrouw Evelyn Charlotte
3555 3555 Dryden Rd,Fort Worth,TX 76109,USA
fort worth Texas 682

